9902 Sulphur Mountain Road
Ojai, CA 93023-9375

Phone: 805-640-0000


Wednesday-Sunday: Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Monday & Tuesday: Closed


Buzz & Ginger Glasky


Sam Ervin, Preident
Ron Holsey, Vice President
Ursula Reinhart, Treasurer
Jim Whitson, Director
Richard Mannis, Director


Margaret Magnus, Secretary

9902 Sulphur Mountain Rd
Ojai, CA, 93023
United States

(805) 640-0000

A Change of Heart

Story Blog

Anecdotes, activities and stories about Meher Mount - past, present and future.

A Change of Heart

Eric Carlson

Each month, the caretakers send a report of the activities at Meher Mount.  Eric Carlson told the following story about Baba’s Tree and a recent visitor. 

BABA’S TREE SIGN pointing the way to Baba’s Tree at Meher Mount. (Photo: Juan Mendez, 2021)

By Eric Carlson

One day, a group from out of town visited. They had heard about Meher Mount in downtown Ojai, but they were not familiar with Avatar Meher Baba. The group was visiting because they were interested in sacred places and teachers and that sort of thing. 

After hearing a description of the property, one of the men said, “So, all you have is this fountain, this visitor center that's closed [due to COVID], and that path that goes out to a tree?”

I said, “Yes.” 

“Well, I have to tell you, I’m a little disappointed that you don't have a gift shop or something we can buy, some Meher Mount souvenir or at least a statue of this Meher Baba,” the visitor responded.

I explained that the property is intentionally kept very natural so people can experience God through nature.  That's what Meher Baba wanted.  I told him that while they were here, they should go out to Avatar’s Point and Baba’s Tree. 

When Meher Baba visited the property, He walked out to the tree and sat under it. He asked to be alone.  Whatever He did there, it was very purposeful. 

Baba’s Tree has become a touchpoint for many visitors — a sacred spot to sit in silent contemplation and find joy, inspiration and solace.

Sometime later that day, it was a good hour later, I happened to see the man when he was leaving Meher Mount.  He came over and said, “Thank you so much. That was so worth it.  That was so good.”

I don't know exactly what he experienced, but I do know from looking at him that it totally changed him.

Love can attain what the intellect cannot fathom.
— Avatar Meher Baba*


* Jasumani, Perin, “Gift of Love: Sayings and Messages of Messages of Avatar Meher Baba,” 1994 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, pg. 82.